That Fat Bastard's Topless Casino.

It was a good idea. Start a topless online casino. My only obstacle was lack of capital, and that's what poker is for. Sure, it would be nice to live in a small, entrepreneur-friendly, Caribbean republic, but that's just the bitter talking. There had to be a way.
As for "topless", what's the point otherwise? Seriously, everybody has got a casino. There's no point in playing the game unless you can provide, top quality, high class, entertainment. And, everyone knows, when you're talking high class quality, what you're really saying is topless, cartoon, blackjack dealers.
Then I found it. The Solution. Let some other guy run the games. I'll just customize the casino, run it from above, like James Caan in Las Vegas, only taller. And fatter. Soon, naked, cartoon croupiers would rule the world.
Alas, it was not to be. Not yet, anyway.
The software I found lacks the naked vixens that dance mercilessly through the cuckolds of my mind. In fact, I have yet to find anything larger then a hand, perhaps a forearm. Far to little flesh to practice my wiles upon. Then again, the Craps game is a nice place to try out systems without having to deal with drunks and poseurs, and the Pai Gao Poker doesn't suck. The minimum buy in is low, so I
don't have to break the bank. The Match was there as soon as I made my deposit, no waiting.
So I made a fancy opening page, and stuck a couple of cartoon naked chicks in it. I mean, really, you might as well get an eyeful on the way in the door. Didn't feel right. Too green.
So I blogged it. Kept the naked chicks, of course, but otherwise I blogged it.
It's still a good idea.
Jason. I be here with Mr. Walker and I think your site suxxors. L337, baby!
Anyhoots, I wuz here and now I'm gone. left my name to carry on. Blow me.
I found Back to Brooklyn on this doofus' site ->
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