That Fat Bastard's Warehouse

Ah, happy days. I've started a store.
There's not much in it yet, but it's going great. We've got some apparel. Mostly, it's our Mr. Anderson line, but there are a couple of other pieces as well. More coming soon, I expect.
I've also come up with a line of SpeakEasy Beverages mugs. Fashioned in honor of the good ol' days when everything fun was illegal, and we all broke the law with impunity. I'd like to do a whole line of those, but currently I'm limited to three.
There should be more on the way, including Christmas Cards, more t-shirts, and possibly even a book.
We'll see.
Appaerently, Cafe Press doesn't offer a men's wifebeater. They offer a woman's wife beater. How comfortable in you femininity are you?
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