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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Beirut. Seriously? Beirut?

Beer Pong and Beirut are things I never knew enough about when I was in college. It's one of the few things I think I really missed out on. I'm a little confused by the reference to Beirut, but I suppose that will pass with time. The basic premise is that you bounce a ping pong ball into a glass of beer which the opposing team then has to drink. The first team to force their opponents to drink all the glasses of beer on the opposing side of the table wins. The winning prize being the opportunity to force your opponents to finish any of the remaining glasses of beer on your side of the table. It's one of those games where the point seems to be to lose. In fact, 'lose early, lose often' is my motto.

Apparently I occupy the minority. The game not only has rules, but rules that are nationally syndicated and subject to exhaustive explanation should a violation occur. For god's sake, there are brackets. Seriously, brackets.

Fortunately, the rules include an extensive section on when blowing is appropriate. I'm all in favor of that.

Once you've figured out when, and when not, to blow, and have become adept at getting others drunk, you are ready for the World Series of Beer Pong, or, possibly, to rush your local Delta chapter, whichever seems easier.

If you want to, you can build a bracket.


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